
Saturday, December 8, 2012

One-dish chicken legs

After a long hiatus, I'm bring back the blog. With the now no-so-new job and the wedding that's since passed, I'm trying to make time to eat right and cook at home more. BrokeAssFoodie helps me stay dedicated to those two goals.

I am a sucker for things called "one-dish" or "one-pot." Who hates cleaning up after dinner? This girl!

I modified this recipe from a bunch of different magazine recipes.


  • Pitted olives (sliced in half)
  • Grape tomatoes (quartered)
  • Thyme (a few springs)
  • Cloves of garlic
  • 1 lb. of chicken legs (skinless)
  • olive oil
  • Salt & pepper
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Why don't my ingredients have amounts? That's because I rarely count (unless I'm baking). I basically think of the stuff I like and add more of it -- it's not at all scientific. I would recommend limiting the thyme (powerful stuff) and same with the cloves of garlic, but if you are on Team Jacob (and not Team Edward), pile on the garlic. Throw the ingredients except the chicken into a roasting pan. This was our roasting pan that's impossible to clean so I line it with tin foil.

3. Pat the chicken dry and smother with black pepper and a little kosher salt. Lay chicken on top of veggies. Drizzle with olive oil.

4. Pop in the oven uncovered for 30 minutes at 350 degrees (which is basically the default temperature for most everything). The 30-minute mark is usually when I check on it to turn the legs over. My oven, I think, cooks faster at higher temperatures than others so I'm guessing that others will have to keep theirs in the ovens 10 or 15 minutes longer. Chicken is the easier meat to tell if it's cooked right. Unlike, beef, duck or pork, pink chicken = bad, unless it's brined (then it's fine). The chicken should be a little crispy on the outside and cooked through so the chicken is white but still moist. Enjoy!

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