I asked Joe how he got to his dream job, writing about food for the Post. His response: "a lot of practice." I wasn't exactly sure if he meant writing or cooking, but I didn't probe Joe further and left his answer at that. Lots of practice! What wonderful, simple advice!
The premise for his book, though, cooking for one might not even exist anymore. Well, at least, that's what a study from The Hartman Group says. Entitled, "Clicks & Cravings: The Impact of Social Technology on Food Culture," the study says that single people who are "cooking for one" are still connecting with people through texts, social networks, or on recipe sites. In fact, 40 percent of people are getting their food advice from blogs, websites, and apps instead of their mom or family members, UPI reported.
I have mixed feelings about the study. Yes, it's true that social media helps connect people so that people are no longer eating by themselves in a room alone. But it's makes me sad to hear that people aren't going to their family members for recipes as much these days. That's my goal for this blog--to share the advice that I've gotten (and will continue to acquire) from friends and family. Hopefully, it works!